We have attempted here to allocate all the households found in the censuses and other documents to houses in the village. This is fraught with problems – mainly because nearly all the houses were unnamed throughout the period covered (1812 – 1911).
To make this exercise possible, the houses have been allocated a code – such as NE.e04 – meaning the fourth house on the east side of North End. If there are three attached cottages (as in Dial Cottage and it’s neighbours) this would be identified as NE.e04.3
The following two maps provide the key for these codes – please click on them to enlarge them and see the details.

The data is stored in an Excel spreadsheet and can be manipulated by filtering, sorting and searching. Please click on the image below to download it. There is a KEY on another tab in the spreadsheet.
Please note that there can be problems downloading this in the Chrome browser, (browser settings) but definitely worth trying. We have had no problems with Firefox or Edge. If you cannot get a download, please use the Contact Us form and we will email you a copy.