What’s new?

As of June 2023 – everything is New!

The next stage plans include:

  • more photos of events and groups
  • more identification of people in photos
  • aerial photos
  • more early history
DateWhat’s Newwhere
7 June 2023Whole site goes livewhole site
8 July 2023White House Farm details added Farm page
31 July 2023new page added: “Some notes about Breckstreet Farm” by Gerald HallFeatures menu
6 Sept 2023new “Early History” menu and page added with four sub-pages: Landscape; Anglians & Vikings; Normans; and Priory & GrangeEarly History menu
6 Sept 2023new page “Village Feast and Show” by Jane Henley added under “Feasts and Shows”People menu
25 Sept 2023new sub-pages: Early Occupation; Iron Age; and Romans – added to “Early History” menuEarly History menu
28 Oct 2023new paragraphs inserted into “Home” and “Early Landscape” pagesHome & Early Landscape pages
27 April 2024New page from Sue Preston on ‘The Prestons’ and ‘Old Mill’ insertedFeatures & Places/Mills pages
28 May 2024Farms page updatedFarms page

sharing Seaton Ross's history